Süddeutsche Zeitung, 28. marec 2021

“Der bekannte Investigativjournalist Blaž Zgaga, der mittlerweile überwiegend in der kroatischen Zeitschrift Nacional publiziert, berichtet vom Aufbau einer alternativen Nachrichtenagentur, der National Press Agency (NTA), durch Finanziers aus dem Umfeld der Janša-Partei …

Deutsche Welle, 6. maj 2020

Blaz Zgaga, a Slovenian investigative reporter and one of DW’s 2020 FOSA award recipients, has had to endure a barrage of online attacks for criticizing the government’s strategy in the …

Deutsche Welle, 4. maj 2020

Nagrada Blažu Zgagi je dodijeljena, jer je bio izložen šikaniranju od strane vlade i anonimnim prijetnjama smrću. Zgaga za DW govori kako je slovenski Krizni stožer u toku pandemije koronavirusa …

The Guardian, 4. maj 2020

Since taking office in March, Janša has attacked the investigative journalist Blaž Zgaga, who criticised some government measures taken over coronavirus as unlawful. An official government account retweeted a claim …